


  We’ll adjust your equine study according to your lessons, frequency and goal。

  要素学习内 容

  Riding 骑乘


  Use correct terminology when describing the riding arena:track、centerline、longline、shortline、corner、numbers ect



  Use correct terminology when describing the horses movement(walk、trot、rising trot、canter、circle、change diagonal、etc)



  Demonstrate safe,effective leading in hand at walk



  Demonstrate safe,effective leading in hand at trot



  Demonstrate safe,correct turning of the horse when leading in hand



  Carry out appropriate tack checking procedures prior to mounting



  Demonstrate correct mounting from a mounting block



  Demonstrate correct mounting from the ground



  Carry out correct girth adjusting procedures prior to riding away



  Carry out correct stirrup adjusting procedures prior to riding away



  Demonstrate correct placement of stirrup leathers



  Demonstrate correct method of holding the rein



  Show a correct secure and balanced position at walk with stirrups at a suitable length for riding on the flat



  Show a correct secure and balanced position at trot with stirrups at a suitable length for riding on the flat



  Show a correct secure and balanced position at canter with stirrups at a suitable length for riding on the flat



  Show a correct secure and balanced position at walk without stirrups



  Show a correct secure and balanced position at trot without stirrups



  Maintain a correct,secure and balanced position at the rising trot and in the jumping seat with stirrups at a suitable length



  Maintain a correct,secure and balanced position at the canter in the jumping seat with stirrups at a suitable length



  Demonstrate a correct ,secure and balanced position at the trot in the light balanced jumping seat with stirrups at a suitable length over ground poles



  Demonstrate the natural aids for riding the horse forward correctly



  Demonstrate the natural aids for riding correct circles



  Demonstrate the natural aids for riding correct turns



  Demonstrate the natural aids for riding correct straight lines



  Demonstrate an ability to rise with correct diagonals



  Demonstrate an ability to recognize cantering with the correct leading leg



  Uses corners/half circles to help ensure correct strike-offs into canter



  Show a correctly maintained rein contact throughout



  Demonstrate correct use of a whip which does not exceed 75 centimeters(30 inches)



  Show correct upward transition and downward transition



  Show correctly sized eight figure、serpentine etc

  示范正确的 “8”字型路线、蛇型路线等


  Show correct position when flat working



  Show correct position,balance, rhythm…when riding gymnastic



  Show correct position when riding 30 centimeter、50 centimeter、80 centimeter course


  Horse Knowledge and Care

  马 匹 知 识 和 马 房 管 理


  Give the uses and purpose of individual items within a grooming kit



  Show the sequence of an effective grooming procedure when brushing off



  Give the reasons for grooming



  Apply safe procedures



  Demonstrate rugging-up appropriately with regard for safety



  Demonstrate a safe and efficient method of tacking up



  Demonstrate a safe and efficient method of untackinng



  Show how to fit a numnah



  Show and discuss how to clean tack



  Give the principles of safety when working with horses



  Demonstrate how to put on a head-collar



  Tie up horses safely and efficiently



  Give the different types of bedding down and points



  Give the reasons for mucking out and bedding down



  Demonstrate efficiently,safe procedures for mucking out



  Demonstrate efficiently,safe procedures for bedding down



  Pick out feet into a skip



  Wash feet



  oil hooves



  Identify points of the horse:head、neck、poll、shoulder、forelegs、knees、back、hindquarter、hindlegs、hock、fetlock etc



  Use correct terminology when describing the horses breed:

  warmblood、thoroughbred、 coldblood、halfblood etc



  Use correct terminology when describing the horses coat colour:

  chestnut、brown、dark brown、black、bay、grey、skewbald etc



  Use correct terminology when describing the tack: bridle、bit、rein、saddle、stirrup leather、stirrup、girth etc



  Show how to hold a horse for treatment



  Demonstrate safe,effective leading in hand at walk for an observer



  Demonstrate safe,effective leading in hand at trot for an observer



  Demonstrate safe,correct turning of the horse when leading in hand for an observer



  Show safe lifting procedures



  Recognize potential dangers when using a hay net



  Recognize signs of good health



  Give the reasons for reporting when a horse is unwell。



  Name、oats、sugar-beet、bran、nuts/cubes、 chaff。



  Give the rules of good feeding



  Give the rules of watering



  Describe suitable clothes to wear when working with horses



  Describe fire precautions in the work place



  Give the correct procedure in the event of an accident to a person



  Give the safety rules for riding in a class



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